Had a great Memorial Day weekend with the family. It is nice to remember the loved ones that have passed away to keep them in our hearts forever. It was fun to be around family and cousins and catch up.
Sasha graduated three times. One at MATC graduation, seminary graduation and now SHHS graduation. Way to go Sasha. We are proud of you! Happy Graduation Day!
Kelton was super excited to start coach pitch this year. His team is the Yankees, which he loves. Kelton can catch and hit the ball really well. Thanks to Easton for all the time he spends catching and practicing with him.
Kelton is now 7 years old. He got a bike, bat & ball, cologne, tie, movie and lots of mooola. Lighting his own candles and tryng not to get burnt.
Thanks Grandma Nornee.
Kelton in his 1st grade program. He loves to sing and did an amazing job. He also had to hula hoop for his part and did not drop it once! Get ready 2nd grade, here comes Kelt!
Graduation present from dad, which was a HUGE shocker considering what happened with the last cat we had. I never thought I would see the day when we owned another cat. Dad said he couldn't resist those huge brown eyes. He better learn, or he is in for BIG trouble in the future!
Ri loving Scoogles! She came up with the name all by herself!
Easton had a turkey tag that he was sooo excited to hunt. On the opening morning, he shot his very FIRST turkey. They only had to hike a little to get to them. They heard it, called it out and took it on his first shot. He only had to track it a little ways. He was so excited to take it down. Way to go Easton!
Proud Turkey owner!
What a beauty, not!
Loved showing all of his friends and neighborhood. They thought he was the coolest!
Our family at the Big League Dream Fields. Easton the man
Kelton soon to be the man
Me and kids in front of Yankee ball park.
Gina came with us on the trip and saved us by being our Nanny 911!
Since we missed our annual city Easter egg hunt this year due to a baseball tournament we went to in Henderson, Nevada, we created one for the kids in Henderson. We went to a park and the moms hid the eggs for the kids. They had a ball running and srambling to gather their eggs.
I have lived in Utah all of my life. My husband and I have been married for 11 years! We have a 8 year old boy named Easton, 6 year old boy named Kelton and a 3 year old girl named Rilyne and let's not forget about Sasha who is now 17!