Dwayne and I at Lake Powell. We had a blast even though we might be a little sun burned and our muscels may be a little stiff. We would do it all over again!

We were invited to spend a couple of days in Lake Powell with some friends WITHOUT KIDS! It was the best couple of days we have had in a long time. The weather, water, company, food, relaxation, and scenery was great. We could of not asked for a better time thanks to the family who took care of our kids. We appreciate you very much. Thanks for all you do for us.

Bones (Anthony) and Rachel at Lake Powell.

Rachel was awesome at surfing.

A natural

Rachel was the only one who could let go of the rope and surf behind the boat. This is a talented woman!

Next came the great tube ride. Rachel really gave them a ride of their life!

Hold on tight boys!

What a pro!

By the end of the trip Bones could do a 360 without crashing! Very impressive.

Dewy trying surfing for the first time. Not too bad.

Almost have it. Still must concentrate a little bit!

Yee Ha. What a stud!

Dewy & Bones (Anthony) going for it.

Cliff Jumping in Powell. This was way too high to have this be my first jump. Too bad that was the only way down.

Rachel and I getting the nerve to jump

Do I dare?

Dewy and Bones jumping. What a splash!

Dewy and Bones analyzing how to jump
I cant believe that you even dared to do that! It looks like you guys had so much fun, We get to go in three weeks! Kelton had quite the little crush on my sister while we were there:)
Holy Schmoly! You weren't kidding about how high the cliff was. I can't believe you jumped. I would have cried (really). You are my hero.
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